Caja and Firefox issues after install

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Caja and Firefox issues after install

Post by dhenzler »

Caja on the Live install DVD will find network items. Caja after installation will not. What's up with that. As well Firefox will say unsafe and refuse to go to websites. Not so with the Firefox on Live DVD.

Someone help me understand why this is so, and resolve it.

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Re: Caja and Firefox issues after install

Post by Nostradamus »

Good Morning Everyone,
I'm having a similar problem after last night's(Feb 3rd) pkg update.
In terminal, when I run

Code: Select all

sudo pkg update
. I get the following:
Updating GhostBSD repository catalogue...
pkg: Repository GhostBSD load error: access repo file(/var/db/pkg/repo-GhostBSD.sqlite) failed: No such file or directory
pkg: ... t/meta.txz: Not Found
repository GhostBSD has no meta file, using default settings
pkg: ... gesite.txz: Not Found
Unable to update repository GhostBSD
Error updating repositories!
I'm not sure if there's a work around for this or not, apparently the developers shut down the repo because last night's update left me up sh@t's creek without a paddle and has completely tied my hands; there's no way to update/upgrade or download any pkg's. I'm sure if it's riddled with errors they're doing us a favor, but, I just want to know if there's something I can do to help the forum, help myself, and get to the bottom of this. Or, should I just be patient?

Should I assume that the pkg's will be working in a few days? Or, is there a work-around? Please Advise. :)

Thx for your help.
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Re: Caja and Firefox issues after install

Post by ericbsd »

I have fixed the repository it should be back up.
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Re: Caja and Firefox issues after install

Post by Nostradamus »

Thx again, you're like a Jedi Master :)

Re: Caja and Firefox issues after install

Post by dhenzler »

Honestly I have aborted working with GhostBSD for the time being. I took what I learned and went back to FreeBSD. Although I am having problems getting Mate up and operating I think the stability of the product is likely some better.

I did connect a GhostBSD drive last night though to see what programs were run for login management. And I noticed when checking what version of PHP that I had been using that the Repository was inop.

I did post a comment about problems I was having and made the comment "Not Ready for Prime Time", I use Linux Mint 18 and honestly it is impeccable as far as operation goes, updates don't cause problems, and when you install something it will tell you what files may be changed or deleted. I have 5 computers running Mint and couldn't be happier.

FreeBSD has been a closed CLUB for many years... if you didn't know much about it, good luck! I still find erroneous posts and people that have loaded so much junk ahead of a success it's hard to duplicate the conditions. I am after BSD for one reason alone.... native ZFS. If it wasn't for that I'd stick with my Mint.

I have a few programs that I want to be able to use phpMyAdmin, Nextcloud 12, and WordPress. The php compatability is different between Linux and BSD. I can use 7.1 with Mint, and only 5.6 with BSD. 5.6 is the bare minimum for Nextcloud. As well Mint installation of LAMP stack is flawless and automatically asks for passwords, and operating conditions. BSD wants you to work through the configuration the old hard way. Ugh! Get a clue BSD... it's the 21st Century.

Anyway I vowed to dump Microsoft when I retired from CA government, and I'm proud to say that I have done just that. I am no longer supporting the MS BS.

Hope the problems stop... loosing network connectivity with Caja was horrible... and the BS with Firefox is intolerable.
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