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Post by frogprince »

I'm running Ghost BSD on an home built machine with an older Asus M2N-MX motherboard, Athlon 64 dual core processor, 2 GB of RAM, and a GeForce 210 video card. The install went well, although after a few boot ups my passwords quit working. Thank you ASX for helping with that! Installing the nVidia driver fixed the tearing and other video problems, and now it's pretty quick, especially for an older machine. I'm running MATE, which works fine. Sound works, printer works, display works.

One question: with some regularity, I find myself running the sysinfo program. I've installed it using pkg install, but it runs command line only. Is there a GTK interface for FreeBSD/MATE that will run this app? It's a small thing, but very useful.

Thanks in advance.
Vas you efer in Zinzinnati? GhostBSD running on a Lenovo 500X Ideapad procured from local resale shop because I'm cheap.
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Re: Sysinfo?

Post by ASX »

There is no GUi interface to sysinfo, that I know, however mate should have some tools to display resource usage, just don't remaber the name right now, I'm on xfce.

then there is cpu-x available, spcifically related to cpu and ram info;

we have added inxi, but it is also a cmd line command.

I use conky, to monitor temps, disk, and network usage:


xsysstats is also available, but I have never used it.
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