Alcoholics Anonymous

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Alcoholics Anonymous

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I want to--I WANT TO use GhostBSD. I've got one primary requirement for an OS though: I am an alcoholic, and I need to attend AA meetings on Zoom.

I don't want to hear about PulseAudio this or Zoom licensing that or Linux compatibility layers (if I need Linux compatibility then I would use Linux). It works in every non-BSD OS. Don't tell me to use another OS, because I will use another OS and then you've lost me as a potential user/supporter.

GhostBSD: AA is on Zoom now. Allow me to attend AA. Let me do it without spending days searching and tweaking .conf files or worrying about drivers or licensing or whatever excuses are made for BSD's not running the software that every other OS can run. I don't think that attending a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is too much to ask from an OS these days.

Mostly, I need Zoom. Broadcom wifi and Nvidia display drivers wouldn't hurt either. And again, don't give me the usual excuses about those other developers or their licensing or their binary blobs. Let me attend AA with my Broadcom wifi, my Nvidia display, and Zoom. Let me do it without spending days of searching Google for solutions. Am I asking too much from an OS?
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Re: Alcoholics Anonymous

Post by ericbsd »

Broadcom wifi cards are not well supported on GhostBSD. Nvidia is supported. The last time I tried the Zoom software on GhostBSD is, the sound was not working, although it is working on Firefox and Chromium.
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