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Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:20 pm
by ASX
I just realized that I made an error: actually the repositories tree is:


and similar for i386. Can see what I missed ? please scroll down!



Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:30 pm
by ASX
Now fixed, first post edited accordingly!

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:52 pm
by NevilleGoddard
The original update went fine on my desktop but broke my laptop.

When I try and boot I get the message "First you need to install a kernel" or something similar.

Will provide more details later.

My desktop is UFS, nvidia and freebsd bootloader.

My laptop was ZFS, intel graphics and grub.

Both are Xfce amd 64

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 10:41 pm
by NevilleGoddard
On my laptop

It says error: file 'boot' not found
error: you need to load the kernel first
error: you need to load the kernel first

Press any key to continue.............

Failed to boot both default and fallback entries

I'll do a reinstall and try with the new instructions

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 11:10 pm
by NevilleGoddard
I also installed the Update Station port and it seems to work perfectly :mrgreen:

However when I got some updates and the update station prompted me to reboot I clicked the reboot button and nothing happened.

I reinstalled packages with revised repository from ASX.

I just got some updates 5 minutes ago and again got prompted to reboot and instead of using the mouse I used the arrow key to highlight the "reboot" button from the "Continue" button and I hit enter on the keyboard and it rebooted :D

I'll try with mouse again next time.

EDIT: Mouse click on reboot works fine.

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 12:56 am
by NevilleGoddard
What about the Synth repository?

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:52 am
by kraileth
NevilleGoddard wrote:What about the Synth repository?
Please disable it for now. As far as I know it sets a high priority for itself and thus might interfere with package installation. Also the idea is that the buildserver runs Synth so we don't have to! ;) Running Synth locally makes sense if you either want to learn something about package building, you need custom settings (we'll try to get more desktop-friendly settings active for our repo) our you need to build the latest ports from today and cannot wait for the buildserver to finish.

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:39 am
by NevilleGoddard
Just my story about upgrading to "test" on my laptop this time with UFS and FreeBSD bootloader, not ZFS and GRUB.
I did a fresh install of GhostBSD XFCE and switched to the GhostBSD repo as per ASX's instructions. I also disabled the FreeBSD repo as per ASX's method.
I ran "pkg upgrade -f -r GhostBSD"

After all was finished, I rebooted.

SLiM started but i couldn't get to the desktop. I just kept returning to the login screen. I got a message something like "unable to locate needed
for libpango". I ran "pkg install -f harfbuzz and this fixed it
Unfortunately I logged in as root. So I rebooted and logged in successfully as a normal user.
It worked fine but the icons were all the default GNOME icons. The theme was OK. I couldn't change the icons from the Gnome icons. I deleted xfce-installed-settings and then the icon problem was solved. I then rebooted and entered by password with SLiM and I couldn't get to the desktop again. There was a message in SLiM saying something like "couldn't execute login command". I then deleted SLiM and tried to login with just username and password. I then got the message

unable to run the program /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc so such file or directory or not found

Thinking I borked my system by previously logging in as root I ran "pkg upgrade -f" reinstalling all packages and then I could get to the desktop but I lost my xfce4 panel in the process but I think that was the only problem. All my settings and data are fine.

I then enabled lightdm and it works much better than before. It's not messing with my mouse cursor at all.

The only problem I've found so far is that Octopkg won't work. I get the message as the gui opens " 'pkg' binary was not found. "
I'll try to fix this.
I haven't reinstalled xfce-installed-settings yet. Will do later.

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:34 am
by ASX
NevilleGoddard wrote:Just my story about upgrading to "test" on my laptop this time with UFS and FreeBSD bootloader, not ZFS and GRUB.
I did a fresh install of GhostBSD XFCE and switched to the GhostBSD repo as per ASX's instructions. I also disabled the FreeBSD repo as per ASX's method.
I ran "pkg upgrade -f -r GhostBSD"
FYI: if you have multiple repos enabled, "pkg -r GhostBSD" will make sure to get packages from GhostBSD repository, but if you have only GhostBSD repo enabled, you can safely use "pkg upgrade -f", without the need to specify the repository with ".
After all was finished, I rebooted.

SLiM started but i couldn't get to the desktop. I just kept returning to the login screen. I got a message something like "unable to locate needed
for libpango". I ran "pkg install -f harfbuzz and this fixed it
Sound like a broken port, in that it does't list the required dependecies correctly:
(i.e. libpango require libharfbuzz), this eventually should be reported upstream.
Unfortunately I logged in as root. So I rebooted and logged in successfully as a normal user.
It worked fine but the icons were all the default GNOME icons. The theme was OK. I couldn't change the icons from the Gnome icons. I deleted xfce-installed-settings and then the icon problem was solved. I then rebooted and entered by password with SLiM and I couldn't get to the desktop again. There was a message in SLiM saying something like "couldn't execute login command". I then deleted SLiM and tried to login with just username and password. I then got the message

unable to run the program /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc so such file or directory or not found

Thinking I borked my system by previously logging in as root I ran "pkg upgrade -f" reinstalling all packages and then I could get to the desktop but I lost my xfce4 panel in the process but I think that was the only problem. All my settings and data are fine.
The fact you logged in as root, cannot have caused the issue.
I then enabled lightdm and it works much better than before. It's not messing with my mouse cursor at all.

The only problem I've found so far is that Octopkg won't work. I get the message as the gui opens " 'pkg' binary was not found. "
I'll try to fix this.
I haven't reinstalled xfce-installed-settings yet. Will do later.
I have had a similar issue in the past with octopkg, but was unable to track down what caused it.

Re: GhostBSD-11 testing the "test" repository

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:17 am
by NevilleGoddard
I just did a fresh install on an old Dell I dusted off.
There was a problem with Octopkg when I changed to the GhostBSD test repo.
With this fresh install I didn't open octopkg until after I had changed repos from FreeBSD to GhostBSD and only then did I start octopkg.
I then tried to synchronise databases and I got this message;

Updating GhostBSD repository catalogue...
pkg: Repository GhostBSD load error: access repo file(/var/db/pkg/repo-GhostBSD.sqlite) failed: No such file or directory
Fetching meta.txz
Fetching packagesite.txz
Processing entries
GhostBSD repository update completed. 26573 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.

Command finished OK!

But I don't get any errors opening octopkg anymore.