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Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:12 pm
by wiredrunner
I've been distro hopping for nearly two years - I finally feel home.

Pretty much everything works - some issues with sound but I have it working.

Chromium is one version behind - OpenBSD has it right up to date - that's just an observation not a complaint.

Thanks to the devs for all your hard work on this. This should be much higher on Distrowatch!

Re: Wow!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:33 pm
by kraileth
Hi wiredrunner!

Thanks for your post - glad you like the project! I know exactly what you mean because the same happened to me: Feeling home after a long period of trying to like other operating systems or Linux distros.

GhostBSD is not perfect of course, but we try our best to provide a solid desktop OS and build a friendly and helpful community around it.

Chromium has been a bit of a problem child on FreeBSD for some months now. The update to version 51 (if I remember correctly) lead to tabs freezing now and then and with version 54 even the sound broke. I think that at least the sound issue was fixed but it clearly shows that the BSDs are not first class citizens for the development of Chromium and keeping up it is not an easy task...

Re: Wow!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:46 pm
by Jes
I agree with wiredrunner. I feel at home with ghostbsd. I used to like a lot fbsd 4.x and 6.x. Then I moved to linux (again) to get some things to work and for other reasons. But now I'm very confortable with ghostbsd, much much more I was with pcbsd (I don't understand the way they have taken). So much that I parked Debian to use only ghostbsd as the main system for my projects and daily use.

For me, the best quality of ghostbsd is to be loyal to freebsd but adding some extras (networkmgr is vital) and keeping everything extremely simple. In fact some linux distros should be inspired by ghostbsd (imho), debian included.

Thanks to all ghostbsd team for that.

Re: Wow!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:03 am
by ericbsd
Wow thanks wiredrunner and Jes, when people give use feedback like this, it help me drive the project forward.

Re: Wow!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:19 am
by NevilleGoddard
I also agree with wiredrunner. I'm at home with GhostBSD. It's the best OS out there by far. Thanks a lot devs. Can't wait for version 11.