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Successful install after 13 failed attempts

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:47 pm
by LinBSD
I go back a long way with GhostBSD, back to 2010 or so when experimenting with the legendary and deceased PC-BSD 7.1. GhostBSD was abysmal then. For some years I ran FreeBSD without a GUI from external storage and loved it, but would love the option of running a desktop environment. So..I opted for Oracle's VirtualBox running within a MacOS High Sierra/Mojave host. It ran well with a few glitches here and there that I could tolerate. What I could not tolerate was incorrect screen geometry in the virtual terminals. I had to run GhostBSD natively...and eventually did.
Macs these days are designed to be obstructive when it comes to OS flavours. Namely; issues with booting and EFI/UEFI. It is the Mac way or no way in principle,...but luckily not in fact.

I finally got Ghosty to run from SanDisk external storage formatted according to GPT partitioning scheme. I runs pretty well on the following hardware:
MacBook Pro Early-2011. 13" , 8GB RAM, i5 2.4 GHz (Dual Core) and MacBook Pro Mid-2015 16GB RAM, i7 4770HQ (Quad Core) 512 SSD. Internal speakers do not work but the headphone port does. ( This was accomplished by the following code: sysctl.hw.snd.default_unit=2 ) WiFi is troublesome as the Broadcom chipset is not detected properly. But, the Thunderbolt interface and ethernet adaptor gives me access to the web. This is a massive improvement on what I previously encountered many years ago, even though a ton of things are busted i.e ,in my case, the Cinnamon desktop and video output to an external monitor.
GhostBSD needs to be where NomadBSD has gone. ....and both GhostBSD and NomadBSD need to be where Linux Mint is today.

That aside, keep up the good work GhostBSD team. Methinks, you're getting there.
Love UNIX/FreeBSD to death....and of course TuxOS (Linux)