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My Feedback of GhostBSD 19.10

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:01 am
by Vermilion

little introducing of myself: I am an Apple and Linux User and gained interest in FreeBSD, since Solaris is quite dead. But due to lack of time to configure desktop and due to low hardware support (only 1 of 7 tested laptops had wireless hardware support) I only used FreeBSD as a server. Now I tried the GhostBSD Desktop and I am realy pleased I did, because it runs solid and nearly as comfortable as a linux desktop. It is also the first time, I got my hands on the MATE Desktop. I really like it!

Great Job!

Regards Verm

Re: My Feedback of GhostBSD 19.10

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:19 am
by ouaille_aime_scier_
Hello Vermilion,

Welcome to GhostBSD hoping you enjoy the distribution for a long time.
Solaris is not definitely dead, you can follow the OpenIndiana Hipster project which is the continuation of Solaris in free version, but its software library is no longer up to date.
GhostBSD is very easy to use and update and now that we have returned to the stable branch of FreeBSD / TrueOS we can continuously update the distribution without having to reinstall the system at each new OS version.
You will sometimes have problems with hardware recognition, especially for wifi, these drivers are not free and therefore cannot be ported in BSD.
For everyday desktop use you will appreciate having up-to-date softwares and the Ghost team, even if it is not very extensive, will be there to give you advice in case of problems.

Re: My Feedback of GhostBSD 19.10

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:59 am
by Vermilion
The more I use it, the merrier I love it! Never had such functional, stable and solid BSD Desktop before. The small tweaks are done quickly once you know how-to. ;)