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Users without password based authentication cannot log in

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:55 am
by GavOnyx
After installing GhostBSD I added a user using the adduser (8) command. For this user I set the Use password-based authentication? option to "no". Everything else about this user is normal.
When I rebooted and attempted to access this user (with the usual graphical login screen), I could not. A blank password is rejected as well as all other passwords. Even after using ctrl+alt+f2 to access the Command Line Interface, it acted as if it had a password and would not let me in.

After poking around I found a solution. Using pw moduser $USER -w none fixed it, allowing me to log in without a password.

Is this an issue with GhostBSD or is this a feature of adduser that I was unfamiliar with? I had assumed the password would be blank rather than locked out when setting password authentication to no.

Re: Users without password based authentication cannot log in

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:02 am
by ericbsd
Setting the password authentication to no will not let you log in.

Also, adding a user with an empty password is not secure, but it is up to your choice.

Re: Users without password based authentication cannot log in

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 9:15 pm
by LibreQuest
I had the same issue. I don't like having a user password for some systems. But it failed on FreeBSD/GhostBSD.