I'm a believer in the old expression,
If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
I have an ancient - like one step up from an abacus or something - 32-bit 'puter that runs better than new with antiX on it. No desktop environment per se, but plenty graphical with just a window manager, tint2 panel and apps that don't require a zillion and twelve terrabytes of RAM. The problem is the web, the games, all the stuff written in the 21st century requires more CPU amd RAM than ever before. They really should be going the other way, I would think, in the interest of preserving energy for the good of the planet and all that stuff.
I;m not looking forward to Wayland, I can tell you that, because of what it does to Xfce 4.20 (just released). It wasn't broke, didn't need fixing.