Hello everyone! I'm new to GhostBSD and I'm trying to make my favorite wayland compositor niri work with it! I have read the wayland section in the handbook and I have installed and enabled seatd as required and I've also set the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable. The DRM (I have an AMD RX 6600) seems to be already loaded and used by GhostBSD.
The error message I get when trying to launch niri (from the TTY) is the following:
thread 'main' panicked at src/main.rs:188:6:
called \`Result::unwrap()\` on an \`Err\` value: error initializing the TTY backend
Caused by:
0: Error creating a session. This might mean that you're trying to run niri on a TTY that is already busy, for example if you're running this inside tmux that had been originally started on a different TTY
1: Failed to open session: Function not implemented (os error 78)
stack backtrace:
0: rust\_begin\_unwind
1: core::panicking::panic\_fmt
2: core::result::unwrap\_failed
3: niri::main
note: Some details are omitted, run with \`RUST\_BACKTRACE=full\` for a verbose backtrace.
I also tried to use Sway (again from TTY) and it gives me the following error message:
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[libseat\] \[libseat/backend/seatd.c:66\] Could not connect to socket /var/run/seatd.sock: Permission denied
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[libseat\] \[libseat/backend/consolekit2.c:616\] Could not get session: Unable to lookup session information for process '2439'
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[libseat\] \[libseat/libseat.c:83\] No backend was able to open a seat
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[backend/session/session.c:83\] Unable to create seat: Function not implemented
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[backend/session/session.c:248\] Failed to load session backend
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[backend/backend.c:79\] Failed to start a session
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[wlr\] \[backend/backend.c:407\] Failed to start a DRM session
00:00:00.001 \[ERROR\] \[sway/server.c:228\] Unable to create backend
I suppose something's going one with either my wayland setup or DRM (but Mate works normally? Doesn't X11 use DRM?) Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?