Robin If the application in question is found in FreeBSD Ports, the appropriate course of action is to join the FreeBSD Ports mailing list and express your concerns there. This ensures that your feedback reaches the maintainers responsible for the Ports collection. Even though a port may be listed as abandoned, one of many maintainers may be able to assist you.
On the other hand, if the issue pertains to a GhostBSD-specific application, available on the GhostBSD GitHub site, you have two options:
- Submit a bug report detailing the issue.
- Submit a feature request to propose enhancements.
It's important to note that GhostBSD's scope is strictly focused on its own applications, kernel changes, ISO releases, and supporting infrastructure, including forums, the website, social media channels, and build servers. For issues beyond this remit, addressing them through the relevant FreeBSD channels is the best approach.