SNAP & Flatpack compatibility

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SNAP & Flatpack compatibility

Post by Darknessraptor »

Hello community, I have a question;

There is any way (trick or treat) to make some SNAP or Flatpack program runs through our Linux Binary Compatibility layer?
Can We dismount the SNAP or the FlatPack package and make it run or install in our system?

Thank you
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Re: SNAP & Flatpack compatibility

Post by chadbsd »

FreeBSD's Linux Binary Compatibility (often just called "Linux compatibility") layer allows certain Linux binaries to be executed on FreeBSD without modification. This provides a potential avenue to run software packaged for Linux distributions on FreeBSD. However, running software distributed as Snap or Flatpak packages on FreeBSD through this compatibility layer presents a number of challenges.

Let's break this down:

1. Dismounting/Extracting the Snap or Flatpak

Both Snap and Flatpak packages are essentially archives that can be extracted:

- Snap: Snap packages use the squashfs filesystem. To extract a Snap package, you would use the `unsquashfs` command, which is available in the `sysutils/squashfs-tools` package on FreeBSD.

unsquashfs your-package.snap

- Flatpak: Flatpak uses the OSTree system. While it's more complex than Snap, you can use `ostree` commands or even `flatpak` itself (if available) to extract files.

2. Trying to Run the Binary

Once you have extracted the relevant binaries and libraries from the Snap or Flatpak package, you can try to run them using the Linux compatibility layer. However, you'll likely run into several issues:

- Dependencies: Both Snap and Flatpak packages often ship with a lot of their dependencies bundled. You'll need to ensure these dependencies are properly set up and used.

- Environment: These applications are designed to run in a certain environment provided by Snap or Flatpak. This includes specific paths, sandboxing features, and other environment variables. You'll have to recreate this environment as closely as possible on FreeBSD.

- System Calls & Libraries: While FreeBSD's Linux compatibility layer is powerful, it might not support all the Linux system calls or libraries that a given application expects, especially if they're newer or more obscure.

3. Proper Integration

Even if you get the binary to run, it might not be well-integrated into your FreeBSD environment. For example, desktop files, icons, MIME type associations, and other integration features may need manual setup.


While it's theoretically possible to run some Snap or Flatpak applications on FreeBSD using the Linux compatibility layer, it's a challenging and potentially error-prone process. Each application will have its own quirks and requirements, so there's no one-size-fits-all guide.

If you're looking to run a specific application, it might be more efficient to look for a native FreeBSD port or package, or consider running a full Linux VM or container for that specific use-case.
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:31 am

Re: SNAP & Flatpack compatibility

Post by Darknessraptor »

Great answer!

Question solved.

Thank you
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