home directory

Questions about the installation of FreeBSD
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home directory

Post by mechanic »

New installation of GhostBSD; looks round at the folders/directories; the home folder seems to be setup both as /home/<myname> and as /usr/home/<myname> ! both of these locations look real, no links I can see.

What's the idea?
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Re: home directory

Post by RodMyers »

in a terminal, type;

ls -al /home

you will see it is symlinked to /usr/home
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Re: home directory

Post by wb7odyfred »

Mechanic, the idea is if you have one '/' root directory where all is installed the 'ln -s /usr/home /home ' allows the file system to work, simply.

Other setups wish to have a separate /home disk partition so that they can separate an update or change to the operating system from their personal files and configurations. that case might be like mount -t zfs /dev/da0p6 /home ; ln -s /usr/home /home Something like this
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Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:54 pm

Re: home directory

Post by mechanic »

OK, thanks all, I didn't see the link when I had a quick look round earlier.
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